停车服务 issues parking permits and deals with the payment and record keeping for parking citations issued by the 圣赌博平台网站大全 Police Department.

关于在哪里停车有什么问题吗, 交通罚款或付款可以在这里处理. 停车服务在学生财务服务部, 位于诺斯鲁普大厅108室,可致电210-999-7001.


Traffic control and enforcement is the responsibility of the Patrol Division and violations are subject to University citations. 虽然这所大学是私有财产, 所有的司机都必须遵守德州的机动车法规. Bexar County citations may be issued for any violation of state and local law in lieu of TUPD citations.

全年每周7天在校园内停车仅凭许可证. 停车场限制从早上7:30开始生效.m. 还有5p.m. 下午5点以后.m., 车辆可停在其他停车场, 张贴的标志所指明的地段或空位除外。. 当教师, 教职员工和学生都在校园内停车, they MUST be currently registered and have their permit properly displayed at all times.

The registration of a vehicle on campus does not guarantee a parking space but affords the registrant the opportunity to park in authorized parking areas when parking spaces are available.


Infractions of parking regulations are the responsibility of the person who registered the vehicle on campus.

在消防车道停车, 黄/白色条纹区域, 人行道/人行道, on the grass or unpaved areas is prohibited and will result in the issuance of a citation and the vehicle is subject to be towed at the owner’s expense. 

Parking against the flow of traffic or along a curb (unless designated by posted sign) is prohibited.


The University is not responsible for any theft or loss to unoccupied or parked vehicles on University property (including semester and holiday breaks).

如有需要,TUPD负责关闭校园道路或重新引导交通. Special events may cause temporary disruption in parking arrangements on campus for persons parking registered vehicles. 在那段时间里, 虽然停车场有限, we ask that you park in accordance with 停车及交通规例 and do not move cones/barricades. 违反规定的车辆将被罚款和/或拖走.



所有车辆, 包括摩托车, 汽车摩托车, and mopeds operated or parked on University property by students and University employees must be registered with 停车服务.  许可证登记将于2024年7月8日开放.

The registration of a vehicle on campus does not guarantee a parking space but affords the registrant the opportunity to park in authorized parking areas when parking spaces are available.

学生 decal permits must be permanently affixed to the inside of the front windshield (driver side of the vehicle). Motorcycle and moped decal permits must be permanently affixed to the right front outer fork tube or behind the side mirror. 当车辆所有权变更时,停车许可证必须从车辆上取下. 车辆所有权的变更必须通知停车服务部门.

TUPD is to be contacted for special arrangements when students and employees have special parking needs (e.g. 车辆报废、装卸等.).

大学教师, 工作人员 and students with a short-term medical condition due to illness or injury can contact 停车服务 to obtain a temporary parking permit. This permit allows parking in any space except the state approved handicapped space and any area/space that is identified as reserved parking.

停车许可证丢失,请致电210-999-7070向TUPD报告. 更换许可证的费用是20美元.



Accessible spaces are available in all Laurie Auditorium levels; Lots A, D, E, F, G, L, P, Q, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, CV, 和海蒂圈.  需要TU停车许可证或赌博娱乐平台网址大全协会许可证.


Traffic and parking tickets are the responsibility of the person who registered the vehicle to park on campus.

如果你现在是一名学生或员工,并且觉得引用是没有根据的, 自机票发出之日起14天内在网上提出申诉 MyParking. 一旦申诉被审查,您将通过电子邮件收到回复.

如果最初的上诉被驳回, 上诉程序的下一阶段是通过停车及交通委员会. 提交此申诉的说明包含在回应电子邮件中. 一旦申诉被审查,您将通过电子邮件收到回复.

If you are a visitor or 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 Associate contact 停车服务 for information on how to resolve the ticket.


我是否需要经常出示许可证, 即使我的车辆已在泊车服务署登记?

是的. All registered vehicles are required to properly display their current permit at all times while parked on University property.






Persons periodically parking on campus that are not registered for classes or employed by the University. People who regularly frequent the campus (at least once a week) are NOT considered visitors and are required to purchase a parking permit.


No. 停车场限制将在整个学年有效, 包括学期和假期.


阿拉莫体育场允许在周一至周五的特定时间停车. 不允许在夜间和周末停车.

如果我需要在大楼里“跑腿”, 可以把车停在最近的残疾人停车场吗, 防火线, 或者开着应急闪光灯的预留空间?

No. 使用紧急闪光灯并不能“免除”一个人的停车限制. 这些停车场是为它们设计的目的而创建的. 为了他人的安全,这些地区必须保持严格的执法.


No. Off-campus students are not considered visitors and must purchase a permit and park in student lots/spaces.

What can I do if I come to campus at a late hour and cannot find a convenient place to park or need an escort?

You may contact TUPD (24-hour non-emergency 210-999-7070) or utilize any blue light phone and request an escort.  这些电话遍布校园. 参见Say移动应用 是一个强大的安全工具,允许用户调用TUPD, 报告校园周边事件, 并获得安全护送服务. 在苹果应用商店或Google 玩上下载See Say应用程序.  下载后,从组织列表中选择赌博平台网站大全