
Protecting you every step of the way

The Offices of Equal Opportunity Services (EOS) is aligned with the University’s value of intentional inclusion. EOS is committed to developing and sustaining a learning and working environment that is diverse, inclusive and free of illegal 歧视 and harassment in any form. The university expects everyone within our community — students, 教师, 工作人员, 游客, and others — to treat others respectfully and does not tolerate hostile behavior toward others.

赌博娱乐平台网址大全 is committed to providing equal employment and educational opportunities for all qualified persons without regard to sex, 性别, sexual orientation, 性别认同, 性别 expression, 宗教, 比赛, color, 种族, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, genetic information, 资深地位, or citizenship status.


  • Sexual Misconduct
  • 骚扰
  • 歧视

赌博娱乐平台网址大全 is committed to providing equal employment and educational opportunities for all

Report an incident

Your voice matters. We want to hear from you. If you’ve experienced or been made aware of harassment, 歧视, or sexual misconduct, let us know so we can address the allegations and provide support. 

Report an incident


赌博娱乐平台网址大全 strives to create equitable policies. Know your rights, explore policies on sexual misconduct, harassment, 歧视, and more. 

Human 资源 policies

Request accommodations

Seek accommodations ranging from a 残疾 to religious faith. Let us help provide an experience and workplace that meets your needs.

就业 accommodations policy

Student accommodations and services

Religious Accommodations Policy

Support a Survivor

Accommodations are available to those involved in a report of harassment, 歧视, or sexual misconduct, Accommodations are also available to assist with a health condition or religious need. Let us help provide an educational experience and workplace that meets your needs.

Support a survivor

Meet your Interim 第九条/EEO Coordinator


Kateeka哈里斯 oversees all 歧视, harassment, and sexual misconduct complaints. She is your contact for information about your rights under our policies, filing a complaint and providing support resources. She also provides training related to these subjects.


Annual Chief Executive Officer Report

In order to comply with Texas Education Code 51.252, at least once during the spring or fall semester 赌博娱乐平台网址大全's President must submit a report to the Board of Directors and post the same on the website.

Chief Executive Officer Report October 2023 (PDF)

National Member of the Student Conduct Insitute


第106节.45(b) of the 2020 Final 第九条 Rules requires that 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 University post a copy of the materials used to train 第九条 Coordinators, 调查人员, 决策者, and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. The following materials are provided to comply with this requirement.

Organization/Presenters Titles of Training/Presentation 格式 Training Materials
Grand Rivers Solutions Introduction to Fair, Thorough, and Trauma Informed Sexual Violence Investigations .pdf Investigator-Training_-ICUT.pdf
Grand Rivers Solutions Hearings in a Post Regulatory World. ICUT,第一天 .pdf ICUT-Hearing-Training-Day-1.pdf
Grand Rivers Solutions Hearings in a Post Regulatory World. 第2天 .pdf ICUT-Hearings-Day-2.pdf
Grand Rivers Solutions From One Coordinator to Another: Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas .pdf ICUT-From-One-TIXC-to-Another.pdf
Grand Rivers Solutions ICUT 第九条 Training .pdf ICUT- 2021 Grand River training Agenda and Bios.pdf
Husch布莱克威尔 第九条 & Sexual 骚扰 Response - Advanced Course .pdf Husch布莱克威尔 第九条 Advanced Training 6.9.21 PowerPoint Presentation 6.9.pdf
Jess Ettell Irvine Training Information .pdf Google Drive Folder
Tera约翰逊 Training Information .pdf Google Drive Folder
凯利惠特尼 Training Information .pdf Google Drive Folder