Offices across Trinity’s campus weigh the pros and cons of the latest technology disruptor

The higher education landscape is being upended with debates around artificial intelligence (AI), 尤其是它对课堂学习的影响. 放眼学术之外, though, AI offers significant disruption—and potential—for other areas of campus that support the student experience. 我们采访了其中一些公司,听听他们对人工智能的看法.



People are curious about how college admissions offices are handling AI in the context of reviewing essays. Admittedly, at first, I was very concerned and felt like every high schooler would be using AI to write their essays, 但在做了更多的研究后,我现在有了不同的感觉. 有一些“优点”是我以前没有考虑过的, 比如学生们用人工智能来帮助他们头脑风暴论文主题, structure their content, or enhance certain ideas. Another pro is that AI may be able to assist students who don't have the financial means to hire a college coach or may not have family support to assist them with their essays. Of course, we want the human being (student) to be the one writing the actual essay so it's their authentic voice/tone. We want parents, teachers, 顾问和现在的人工智能在这个过程中帮助他们, not do it for them.  

I've also heard of colleges using AI to assist with transcript processing and review, 虽然我们自己还没有完全探索过. I attended a recent conference session highlighting the application of AI in education and heard about teachers and high school counselors using AI to assist them in writing their letters of recommendation.  当他们注入自己的声音, they said AI was helpful in structuring the content to make the letter more meaningful.  Personally, 我认为人工智能只会变得更加普遍, 所以最好深入研究,找出新的世界应用. resisting it!  



人工智能在职业发展方面有很多潜在的应用. We encourage students to use AI as a resource to get to the answer, not as the answer itself. 人工智能可以帮助学生总结职位描述, 与学生一起集思广益, 并帮助学生学习如何谈论他们的研究. It’s important, though, 与人工智能一起工作的是人类成分, especially when using AI as a resource to help edit—not write—application documents. 输入好的提示将转化为AI的良好输出.

We’re excited that our recruiting platform, Handshake, will soon have Coco, an AI-powered chatbot. Coco将为用户提供职业指导, goal-setting, planning, career research, industry information, and interview prep. Most importantly, Coco将帮助所有用户实现对Handshake的民主化访问, 公平竞争.

In fact, AI in general helps level the playing field even outside of career help. 学生可以使用它来快速获取信息,并且 它不会评判你. 没有愚蠢的问题! It’s a neutral space to learn, recognizing the data is imperfect and sometimes outdated. 这就是人的因素对下一步至关重要的地方..

Emergency Management

Lorenzo D. Sanchez, Ph.D.我是应急管理主任

人工智能有能力支持之前的应急管理, during, 在一次重大事件之后, and there are many applications that I’m looking to explore and possibly implement in the future, which include:

  • Chat Assistant: 试图在Pawla这样的“聊天助手”中利用人工智能, 迅速向学生提供紧急信息, faculty, staff, 还有家长,如果他们访问网站的话. 他们可以向帕拉询问避难所的位置, emergency procedures, possibly weather alerts, and other info. 
  • Situational Awareness: Leveraging AI for situational awareness is an emerging trend in emergency management to rapidly triage large volumes of information from multiple sources, agencies, and social media. 这种人工智能的应用可以提供急救人员, emergency managers, 以及其他安全专业人员在分秒计算时提供的实时数据.

Other uses of AI in emergency management include advanced search for local resources during critical incidents and regional disasters, 预测天气建模和预报, 生成式人工智能应急场景,用于应急人员培训, 业务连续性和组织弹性, 以及其他用途的行政政策和规划发展.


Dennis Donathan, 助理教授和STEM图书管理员, and Audrey Stewart, 馆员-数字技术和一年级课程

Current AI tools can be very impactful in the process of researching and literature-searching. For example, Research Rabbit可以帮助查找文献和找到相关的论文, 甚至有助于找到想法和话题之间的联系. Peplexity.Ai可以帮助你找到资源和信息, 尤其是在研究过程的早期. Scopus AI and The Literature (PubMed) are generative tools where the user provides a question, and the tool then generates a summary with references to articles that are indexed within the Scopus and PubMed databases, respectively. These two programs present unique opportunities to lower the barrier of entry to literature searching with academic databases, 尤其是对学生来说.


Laura Márquez Ramsey, SAS的主管

我们的一些技术内置了各种人工智能功能. 最广泛使用的功能包括字幕和转录服务. For example, Read&Write offers text-to-speech for reading assistance and speech-to-text that students can use to talk out their papers. SAS购买了机构许可,所以所有学生, faculty, 员工也可以使用这项技术.

另一个流行的工具是lean, a note-taking technology incorporating multiple features to promote active note-taking skills. This tool allows students to type notes while incorporating an audio recording feature that not only transcribes but also lets students tag specific portions of the lecture they want to revisit. The study features within this platform help students organize, revise, and clarify their notes.

Our goal in using AI technology is to promote independent learning and self-advocacy skills that students will use in the Trinity classroom and beyond.  

University Archives

Abra Schnur,大学档案保管员

我们正在使用一种Whisper人工智能, 由贝勒大学图书馆和口述历史研究所创建, 获得口述历史采访转录的快速文本输出. It's not 100%, but it cuts down transcription time by a lot and allows students to focus more on formatting the transcript document for readability and actively listening to discover insights from the interview.

University Police (TUPD)

Paul Chapa, Assistant Vice President of Enterprise Risk Management and Chief of Police

The one area at TUPD where we would probably use AI is with our surveillance cameras on campus. 人工智能可以用来监控自行车架等区域, looking for particular body movements that could mimic someone stealing a bike, or identifying a suspicious person and having the camera system search and follow the subject across campus. Other systems can also look for objects that look like guns or look for specific body movements that could be aggressive.

Writing Center

Jennifer Rowe,辅导项目主任兼讲师

Tutors pretty quickly learned to spot AI in papers—they would make jokes about the predictability of the form, 尤其是最后几段的“繁文缛节”. 对我们来说,最棘手的部分不是人工智能是否存在,也不是学生们是否在使用它, but that there is such variability amongst professors in class policy regarding its use. 我们现在经常问这样的问题, “你的教授允许使用人工智能来写作或头脑风暴吗?? 你的教授禁止使用ChatGPT吗?" etc.

当导师怀疑一篇论文是由人工智能完成时, they try to encourage students to talk through ideas so they come up with their own unique phrasing. At the same time, we don't suspect too many of our clients/students are using AI right now. Students who come to the Writing Center are typically hard-working students interested in learning / doing on their own, 谁愿意在人类导师的帮助下以书面形式解决过去的问题, etc.

感谢艾玛·乌青格24, 战略传播与营销写作实习生, 感谢她对这个故事的贡献!

Molly Bruni是一名自由撰稿人和编辑,现任编辑 Trinity magazine. You can find her at mollybruni.com.
