Schnur磨料, “阿蒂”桑德斯, 佐伊灌浆, 劳伦·图雷克, 萨曼塔,亨利, 和沃克-坦博利一起在诺斯鲁普大厅微笑

而许多学生可能会在期末考试结束的那一刻逃离学校, four 圣赌博平台网站大全 students used the summer of 2021 to dive headfirst into the University's past. 

感谢赌博平台网站大全梅隆倡议暑期学院, 佐伊·格劳特22岁, 萨曼莎·亨利22岁, “阿蒂”桑德斯 ’22 和 H Walker-Tamboli ’23 spent the past few months contributing to the 赌博平台网站大全女子校际体育(TUWIA)历史项目. 这个项目旨在突出赌博娱乐平台网址大全女学生运动员的经历, 特别是在1972年具有里程碑意义的《赌博娱乐平台网址大全》通过后的几十年里. 

“这个项目吸引我的是我与这个想法的联系. 我是一个有人类学背景的学生运动员, 所以我有了一个对这个项目有贡献的观点,亨利说。, 她也是赌博娱乐平台网址大全女子篮球队的一员. 

TUWIA历史项目于2015年正式启动. 那是雪莉·拉辛·波提特, 他曾是赌博娱乐平台网址大全的体育教练, 荣誉退休教授 道格·布莱肯瑞吉, 和 Betsy Gerhardt Pasley ’77 teamed up after an inquiry from Peggy Kokernot Kaplan ’75 into history about the first women’s track team at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 revealed a lack of statistics available online for teams before the 1990s.

“有一天,(道格)拦住我说, “贝琪, we’re thinking of doing a project to try to capture what happened with women’s sports at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全,’”帕斯利说. “As soon as Doug said that, I just immediately thought, ‘This would be a heck of a lot of fun.’”


Poteet后, 布莱肯瑞吉, 于是帕斯利开始了这个项目, 灌浆, 亨利, 桑德斯和沃克-坦博利在团队发现的基础上创造了 数字展示 这反映了女运动员在校园里面临的不平等. 学生们制作了一份 目录 从1973年到1999年的校际运动队中有女性参加 时间轴 赌博娱乐平台网址大全女子田径运动的冠军.

据格劳特说, 谁带头创造了时间线, deciding which events across several decades were substantial enough to highlight proved to be a tough task.

“这真的很难,因为你必须做出决定, “我认为这是最重要的,但这只是我. 我觉得我才是那个书写历史的人,”格劳特说. 

除了目录和时间轴,还有两件名为“主场劣势"和"越界行事” explore the inequities women athletes faced 和 how Title IX along with playing in Division III impacted women student-athletes at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全. 梅隆大学的资金也用于转录和提供 25个口述历史访谈 由Pasley, 布莱肯瑞吉和Poteet指挥. 

“你可能会认为,25个小时的口述历史绝对令人生畏, 但你可以听听别人的生活, 和 in a strange way it felt like a family reunion because [I] got to hear about them from birth to what they are doing now with things that they really love to talk about, 这些小故事,桑德斯说。. 

其中一个口述历史访谈是 朱莉·詹金斯他是赌博娱乐平台网址大全的排球总教练. 詹金斯, 这是她在赌博娱乐平台网址大全的第37季了, became the 10th coach all-time 和 second woman ever across all NCAA divisions to 达到1000次胜利 今年秋天,她战胜了百年纪念学院(洛杉矶). For Saunders, listening to her oral history made 詹金斯—a 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 legend—seem like a close friend.

“几天前我见到了朱莉·詹金斯教练……. [和] I just felt like I knew her in a way that I wouldn't if I just passed her on the street, 所以这是一个非常私人的现象,桑德斯说。.

Amy Waddell '93对阵St. 90年代初的玛丽大学. 图片由科茨图书馆特别收藏和档案提供.

The group of student researchers consisted of two student-athletes—Saunders from the cross country 和 track & field teams, 和 亨利 from the women’s basketball team—along with two non-student-athletes. Having this balance between those familiar with sports 和 those not as familiar helped bring various perspectives to the project. 

“我不太了解体育,但我了解女性,”格劳特说. “I thought it was really interesting to start to think about those stories 和 how they intersect with the history of feminism 和 history of the United States, 所以这真的很合适.”

在不同的观点之上, every member of the group also brought unique skills that aided the research from start to finish. 例如, Walker-Tamboli charged ahead with many of the nitty-gritty processes that require lots of time 和 patience such as scanning images, 将它们转换成正确的文件, 输入元数据以确保正确记录每个细节.

“能坐下来真是太好了, 处理数据, 而且要能够注重细节,做到非常精确,沃克-坦博利说. “这也是一种乐趣,因为你总是会遗漏一些信息, 你必须在旧书和照片中寻找它.”

Schnur磨料, University Archivist, served as a mentor for the students alongside history professors 劳伦·图雷克, Ph.D, 凯里Latimore, Ph.D. Schnur interacted with the students on a daily basis 和 was the go-to person for most questions about the research process in general.

“My main goal was to train them on how to utilize a lot of the archival resources that we had available such as the Trinitonian海市蜃楼 数据库. 我们进行了在封闭的档案库中工作的培训, 所以你是怎么拉文件的, how you try to maintain original order when you're looking through a file so you don't mess anything up or you mis-file something,Schnur说.

据Schnur说, it was easy to see the drive the students had to work on the project despite the often tedious research process.

“我认为这真的引起了他们的共鸣, 尤其是对运动员来说, to see how the challenges have evolved 和 how they've remained the same over the decades,Schnur说. 

梳理旧的副本 Trinitonian海市蜃楼 对学生来说很重要吗, as these were often the only pieces of history left to tell the stories of decades past. 帕斯利曾是《赌博平台网站大全》的体育编辑 Trinitonian, seeing her 和 other journalists’ work reexamined as documents of history added an extra layer of appreciation to all the work she did when she was a student at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全.

“There was no concept that somebody would look at this 50 years later,帕斯利说。. “无论是印刷还是数字形式,文字都很重要.”

亨利, looking back at those words 和 getting a sense for what women student-athletes once dealt with at 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 makes her appreciate the opportunities she’s been given to compete today.

“My biggest takeaway is that pioneer women truly fought for women like myself to be able to compete in sports at a high level today. 没有他们的战斗, 强度, 和赋权, 女子体育就不会取得现在的成功,亨利说.


至于更大的TUWIA历史项目, these new online exhibits will soon be joined by a book capturing 赌博娱乐平台网址大全’s 150-year women’s sports history that Pasley has been writing. 赌博平台网站大全出版社 和帕斯利合作出版这本书, 希望能在2022年10月的校友周末前完工, 正好也是《赌博娱乐平台网址大全》颁布50周年纪念日.

“现在, 而不是一直坚持下去,充满信心, 好消息是我们找到了出版商, 我真的很激动它将是赌博平台网站大全出版社,帕斯利说。.

除了出版的兴奋, Pasley believes the combination of her book along with the students’ research will be a unique way to make these projects into living documents.

“通常一本书是你把它包起来,打个蝴蝶结,然后就完成了. 如果你想添加一些东西或继续对话,你不能. 在这种情况下,我们已经有了 竞技场, 和 that's going to be a great repository for the things I'm going to have to cut out of the book,帕斯利说。.

The online exhibits will also provide readers of the book with a chance to provide their own anecdotes to help bring as many stories from all perspectives 和 decades to light.

在书中, 我们知道,我们没有充分报道多样性的实质性问题, 比如直到90年代才出现在我们故事中的非裔美国女性, 以及LGBTQ社区,帕斯利说。. “我们想听到更多这样的故事. We want to continue to flesh out these really important stories of the women who had to face those kinds of issues. ”

亨利同意这一点,无论是数字还是印刷, 赌博娱乐平台网址大全女学生运动员的故事有望永远流传下去.

“This exhibit is meant to be ongoing for generations of 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 women athletes to continue to contribute to,亨利说. “If anyone has any information they feel should be heard for this project, we encourage them to 赌博平台网站大全,让我们知道.”

探索TUWIA历史项目, where you can also contribute your own items to the collection or contact the research team with any questions.

上面的照片(从左到右)是大学档案管理员Schnur磨料, 阿迪·桑德斯22岁, 佐伊·格劳特22岁, 历史学教授劳伦·图雷克, 萨曼莎·亨利22岁, 还有23岁的沃克-坦博利.

Brian Yancelson, 22岁 helped tell 赌博娱乐平台网址大全's story as a public relations intern for 圣赌博平台网站大全 Strategic Communications 和 Marketing.
