A City For All

每年的开学日,Ron Nirenberg都会带他8岁的儿子Jonah离开学校. Monday, April 3, will be no different. Nirenberg, born in Boston yet raised in Austin, 他曾经渴望成为一名报道波士顿红袜队的新闻记者. 对棒球的热爱只是这位区议员希望传递给儿子的一件事. 他还希望把一个更好、更光明的圣安东尼奥传给乔纳和后代.

这就是尼伦堡“你值得拥有的城市”口号背后的灵感. If elected mayor in May, 他计划把圣安东尼奥变成一个所有公民都可以引以为傲的“伟大的美国城市”, no matter where they live or work. In Nirenberg’s eyes, 圣安东尼奥应该是一个即使人们可以住在世界上任何地方也会选择的城市. It is a city Nirenberg has chosen twice, 第一次是在1995年搬到圣安东尼奥进入赌博平台网站大全学习,第二次是在2009年,当时他在宾夕法尼亚大学的安嫩伯格公共政策中心工作. 尼伦伯格2001年毕业于安嫩伯格传播学院.

“I believe strongly in the future of our city, the future of this country, and what our role is as a public and as public representatives,” says Nirenberg. “There is no better place to be right now, if you have that perspective, than the city of San Antonio.”

At his Broadway campaign office across from Maverick Park, Nirenberg sits in what was once a car salesman’s office. 他穿着西装打着领带,靠在椅子上思考. This is not his first interview of the day, and probably not his last, but he takes it seriously, weighing his words carefully. 盐和胡椒色的头发衬托着他的脸和他的手势,他在寻找合适的词语来准确地描述他对圣安东尼奥的热情.

Nirenberg contemplates his chief competitor, Mayor Ivy Taylor, 他说,在她取代Julián卡斯特罗之后,他对她抱有很大的希望. Yet, in the years following her 2014 appointment, 尼伦伯格认为圣安东尼奥已经从一个崛起的城市变成了一个没有动力的城市. 他说,“自满和停滞不前的领导”是他无法忍受的.

“As a councilman, I have been very proud to be a champion for good governance, ethics, and transparency,” says Nirenberg. “我相信政府会倾听你们的声音,并对它所服务的所有人负责.”

Among his major accomplishments, 尼伦伯格提到了他担任SA Tomorrow规划委员会主席的经历, 他为保护爱德华兹含水层补给区和附近的布拉肯蝙蝠洞的敏感土地而进行的斗争, and his push for renewal of the Howard W. Peak Greenway Trails System. A page titled Progress on his campaign website 详细介绍自2013年首次当选理事会以来的主要亮点. Humorously citing his own “character flaw,尼伦伯格说,他很难列举自己的成就,因为, by nature, 他着眼于未来和有待完成的工作.

Public service was not always in Nirenberg’s plan. When he first arrived at Trinity, 尼伦伯格想成为一名纸媒记者,实现他报道红袜队的梦想. 他“恳求”进入了传播学教授罗伯特·韦斯卡(Robert Huesca)教授的一年级研讨会,主题是体育与美国文化的交集. 通过那次研讨会,尼伦伯格受到启发,立志要成为传播学专业的学生. He also got involved with the Trinitonian, the student-run campus newspaper, where we would serve as a sports writer, sports editor, and the editor-in-chief before graduation.

“I loved it,” says Nirenberg. “我对自己和我的透明和道德哲学有了很多了解 Trinitonian. 就我对政府机构和媒体作为监督者的角色的尊重而言,这当然是在赌博娱乐平台网址大全形成的.”

In his run for mayor, 尼伦伯格说,他作为一名学生记者的经历影响了他的竞选活动与媒体互动的方式. 他尊重记者的立场,并称近年来媒体遭到诋毁的方式“令人沮丧”. 尼伦伯格的团队支持记者的自主权,并致力于随时接听他们的电话和问题.

在竞选市议员之前,Nirenberg是KRTU-FM 91的总经理.7, Trinity University’s jazz radio station. In addition to managing personnel, strategy, and operations, 尼伦伯格开发了电台的“爵士年”,并发起了KRTU的第一个整合营销活动. “爵士年”汇集了20多个当地非营利组织,共同策划活动. Nirenberg says the station, where he once hosted a classic rock show as a student, 帮助他重新回到了圣安东尼奥,并建立了深厚的社区关系.

With Election Day, May 6, just over a month away, 尼伦伯格对自己获胜的可能性持乐观态度,并在与圣安东尼奥人的交谈中受到鼓舞. 3月6日在赌博娱乐平台网址大全劳瑞礼堂举行的市长辩论, 尼伦伯格说,他在圣安东尼奥的首要任务是公民参与. He encourages Trinity students to get involved in the city, to volunteer, and learn about different parts of town. 尼伦伯格说,他决定参加市长竞选的动机是他自己参与社区活动, his family, and wanting to lead the change he wished to see.

The portal for that, in large part, was Trinity.

赌博娱乐平台网址大全是我生命中如此重要的地方,”尼伦伯格说. “It brought me to San Antonio. 当我在赌博娱乐平台网址大全工作时,我发现了我生活中的激情所在,那就是公共服务. 我进入了一个漂亮的naïve 18岁,我离开时对这个世界有了良好的道德感, integrity, and the intellect required to do well.”


本文中表达的观点是候选人的观点,而不是赌博平台网站大全的观点. 大学不支持或反对任何候选人与这次或任何其他政治竞选或选举有关.

Carlos Anchondo '14 is an oil and gas reporter for E&E News, based in Washington D.C. A communication and international studies major at Trinity, 他在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校获得新闻学硕士学位.

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