
准备从事法律职业的赌博娱乐平台网址大全学生接受了很强的文科教育, focusing on strengthening their high-order learning, oratory, research, and writing skills.

虽然法学院没有任何必修课程, 我们鼓励学生拜访法律预科咨询委员会的成员,为进入法学院做准备.G、选课、体验式学习和申请流程).

Fast Facts
  • Adheres to policy of American Association of 法律 Schools
  • 对法学院感兴趣的学生可以在毕业前的第一学期与法律预科顾问会面,以帮助他们完成学业, career, and life goals.
  • 对法学院感兴趣的赌博娱乐平台网址大全学生曾在联邦地区法院和美国联邦法院实习.S. Supreme Court.
  • 88- 94%的申请法学院的学生被录取
Classroom full of students


What You'll Study


Wise Counsel

赌博娱乐平台网址大全的学生建立了广泛的人际关系, 跨学科的教师在各自领域的顶尖.

John Hermann
John Hermann, Ph.D.
Program Director
Associate Professor, Political Science
Headshot of LadyStacie Rimes-Boyd 2022
LadyStacie Rimes-Boyd, J.D.
Director of Business Operations and Project Manager

Student Opportunities

Research Opportunities

学生们获得了在贝尔县法院等机构实习的机会, Federal Judges, and more.



Student Organizations

Trinity Pre-law Society 

Mock Trial Club
这是一个竞争激烈的组织,旨在向成员灌输法律制度的理想,同时教授法医和人际交往技巧, and that strives for success at the state and national levels. Individuals will build teamwork skills, analytical abilities, 并接受具有丰富法律经验的赌博娱乐平台网址大全校友的指导.


Pre-法律 Nacho Hour
学生们可以通过圣安东尼奥的主食——辣味玉米片,与来自不同法学院的代表建立联系. 在这个非正式的环境中发现更多关于法学院的选择.

View Upcoming Events

When You Graduate

Precedent of Success

By graduation, Tigers are skilled communicators and creative thinkers, 对法律所涉及的制度和价值观具有批判性的理解. 这些学生通常已经准备好在法学院入学考试中脱颖而出,成为即将升学或现在的大四学生.


赌博娱乐平台网址大全在培养学生从事法律或法律相关职业方面有着悠久的历史. Most law school graduates enter traditional areas of law. 在公共事务和商业管理等领域也有重要的机会.

Graduate Schools or Programs:

  • Columbia University 法律 School
  • Duke 法律 School
  • Georgetown 法律
  • Harvard 法律 School
  • New York University School of 法律
  • Stanford 法律 School
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Michigan 法律
  • University of Texas

Career Areas:

  • Business Management
  • 法律
  • Public Affairs

Notable Companies who have Hired Trinity Graduates:

  • Akin and Gump
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Norton Rose Fulbright
  • U.S. Department of Justice


Take the next step

Have more questions or want more information? 了解更多关于如何赌博娱乐平台网址大全,以及如何加快你的下一步教育.