Requirements for the minor

I. Completion of 18 credit hours in the following distribution:

A. Completion of at least 9 hours from the core curriculum:

进程IDCourse Title
afam - 1310 Introduction to African American Studies 
尖刺外壳- 3427Race in America (also listed SOCI-3327) 
英格兰- 2373African American Literature 
嘘- 1300The African Experience 
嘘- 1301The African Experience II
嘘- 1370The African American Experience Through Reconstruction 
嘘- 1371The African American Experience Since Reconstruction 
嘘- 3304Religion in African History 
嘘- 3372Black Images in Film 
音乐- 1349African-American Music 
菲尔- 3455Philosophy of Race
菲尔- III461Africana Philosophy
可靠性- 3482 African Religions in the Americas 

B. Completion of remaining hours from the supporting courses:

进程IDCourse Title
afam - 3310African American Studies Internship 
尖刺外壳- 3402Environmental Racism (also listed as 的社会- 3402)
通讯- 3325 Special Topics in Communication Media: Race and Class in Media 
英格兰- 1313The Beginnings of American Literature: Colonization to 1900 
英格兰- 1314American Literature: Twentieth Century and Beyond
英格兰- 3371 American Literature of the Nineteenth Century: The Turn of the Century 
英格兰- 4423Studies in American Literature: Harlem Renaissance
英格兰- 4425Seminar in Literary Periods: Turn-of-the-Century African American Literature
嘘- 1340 Latin American Cultural Traditions 
嘘- 1360 The History of the United States Through Reconstruction 
嘘- 1361 The History of the United States Since Reconstruction 
嘘- 3400 Gender Matters in African History 
音乐- 1346 Jazz History and Styles 
plsi - 3352 Civil Rights and Liberties 
的社会- 3402Environmental Racism (also listed as 尖刺外壳- 3402)
的社会- 3424Crime and Criminal Justice
的社会- 3446Law, Punishment, and Society
spmt - 1312 Sport in Society 

II. Additional guidelines for the selection of coursework:
  • At least 9 hours of the total shall be upper division courses.
  • No more than 12 hours of the coursework (including cross-listed courses) can be taken from one department to fulfill the requirements of the minor.
  • When departments offer a relevant “special topics” or “variable content” course, the 教师 Advisory Committee may designate such a course as meeting a relevant requirement for the minor.
3. All students are strongly encouraged to enroll in afam - 1310—Introduction to African American Studies and 嘘- 1300—The African Experience.

*In special circumstances, students may petition the program’s 教师 Advisory Committee for an exemption to a component of the requirements for the minor.


 Department Website

  Kimberlyn Montford, Ph.D. (主任)


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